Embed codes for the live streaming

Con el player de experimentaltv

< object data="http://www.experimentaltv.org/players/itheora/index.php?v= (URL .../mediabase/summerlab10/elvideo.ogg&t=5&n= el_video&p=/img/cartaajust.png&d=m" type="application/xhtml+xml" style="width: 486px; height: 400px;">

Si es Internet explorer se puede añadir y cerrar < /object > al final del código

< !–-[if IE]>
< iframe src="http://www.experimentaltv.org/players/itheora/index.php?v=/mediabase/summerlab10/01_paolo_cirio-dl.ogg&t=5&n= mediabase&p=/img/cartaajust.png&d=m" style="width: 486px; height: 400px;" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" >

-hay un espacio después del primer “<" y otro después del último ">” en los códigos del embed-


h=height, if these two parameters are the same as “width” and “height” (in the “style”), the player doesn’t need to be resized.
n=name_of_the_video, the title will appear on mouse over the thumbnail
s=skin, skins must be added in the “skin” folder, it’s possible to create one by your-self
l=language, the language is automatically detected but it’s possible to force it
d=item_to_disable, for value m (manual play), i (info/tooltip), t (button to submit on TheoraSea), s (“Share” button), d (“Download” button), o (“Options” button), f (“Full-screen” button) and n (title of the file deleted from the tags)
Example, to start an auto play and disable the download and the sharing code : d=msd.
p=picture_of_the_video, alternate content on an other place (disable the auto detection)
b=bittorrent_file, alternate content on an other place (idem)
f=video.flv (flash), alternate content on an other place

< a href="http://stream.hangar.org:8000/summerlab10.ogg">Streaming with Firefox

Embed codes for the live streaming at http://stream.hangar.org:8000/summerlab10.ogg

< object data="http://itheora.org/demo/index.php?v=http://stream.hangar.org:8000/summerlab10.ogg&t=5&n=Summerlab10!" type="application/xhtml+xml" style="width: 614px; height: 369px;"> apr 11, 2014 – proscar tags: buy proscar tablets online no prescription buy proscar once online buy proscar cream buy proscar no prescription

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< object data="http://riereta.net/gisschannel/itheora/index-mini.php?v=http://stream.hangar.org:8000/summerlab10.ogg&w=340&h=280" type="text/html" style="width: 340px; height: 280px;"> estrace 0.01 cream price what does estrace cream cost cream uk can you double estrace 2mg rabs for fet estradiol patches online estradiol 32
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